A recent study from Hong Kong University found that almost three-quarters of Hong Kong adults have experienced moderate-to-high degrees of depression while 40% showed PTSD symptoms during the prolonged civil unrest, followed by the pandemic. Are you one of them? Join us to have a scenario-based discussion with our mental health experts on how to build resilience facing enormous stress at work and home.

Session one: 12 -1pm, 21 Aug (Friday) [ended]

Cope with Stress, Uncertainty, and Anxiety at Work

Session two: 12 -1pm, 28 Aug (Friday)

Love-Hate Relationship with Working from Home

Moderator: Vincent Li, Co-founder of HeartChat


Odile Thiang, Clinical advisor and Trainer at MindHK; Teaching Fellow at the HK PolyU

Raindy Yu, Founder of Holistic Wellness Hong Kong; Head Counselor at HeartChat

Please register on or before 19 Aug (Wed). A custom link will be sent through email once successfully registered.

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