It’s Day Six of the WIFA x RUN Hong Kong Fitness Challenge and we’re in the final stretch. Can you feel the excitement building up as we near the finish line? Our participants have shown incredible resilience and motivation throughout this challenge, and we’re blown away by the progress they’ve made so far.

But it’s not just about personal achievements; every single minute of physical activity contributes towards a meaningful cause. By participating in the WIFA x RUN Fitness Challenge, we’re supporting Hong Kong’s refugee community with vital resources such as light meals, medical support, childcare, and resettlement assistance.

And let’s talk fundraising – we have raised an outstanding HK$16,807 so far! That’s a testament to the incredible generosity and empathy of our community. But we’re not done yet! There’s still time to donate, so let’s band together and show our support for refugees in Hong Kong.

As we head into the final two days of the challenge, the competition is fierce among our top teams. In first place, we have the unstoppable Team “TGI Technology Limited – Mad JJ Walker” with an incredible 46 hours and 23 minutes of physical activity. In second place, we have Team “Goldman Sachs 4 – Team Macro (aka mighty macros)” with 29 hours and 10 minutes, and in third place, we have Team “Morgan Stanley – Full Stack” with 20 hours and 18 minutes.

But it’s not just about being in the top three – every single participant who has dedicated their time and effort to this challenge has made a significant impact on the lives of refugees in Hong Kong. And as we approach the finish line, we know there’s more in us. Let’s push ourselves to see how much more we can achieve in these final two days.

Don’t forget to tag us in your progress photos with the hashtags #WIFAxRUNFitnessChallenge and #PowerToChange, so we can cheer you on and celebrate your achievements. And to our amazing sponsors, Joint Dynamics, Sure Step Asia, and Surya Studio (Hong Kong), thank you for your unwavering support – we couldn’t have done this without you.

As we near the end of the WIFA x RUN Hong Kong Fitness Challenge, let’s keep pushing ourselves towards our goals and making a lasting impact on the lives of refugees in Hong Kong. Together, we have the power to create change.